To ask any questions about Sofia:
The "Request via Interlibrary loans" (if available) initiates an Interlibrary loan request (ILL or PEB in french) through the Colombo app.
In the item record, click on Request via Interlibrary loans.
Colombo will open on a new web page. Login with your library ID (TXXXXXXX), you can find it on your student card.
Make sure you are logged in the right account by verifying the user name in the top right corner :
Colombo has a few problems with diacritics, your name may be a bit messed up becaus of that but it should be recognizable.
Next, fill the form on the screen while adding as much informating as possible. If it's a book, try to add an ISBN and if it's an article, an ISSN.
Don't forget to choose the pickup localtion of your document next to Point de cueillette. If you decide that you want it delivered by mail, put your full postal address in the section named Recommandations particulières.
** Follow up on your Interlibrary Loans (ILL) in Colombo by login in with your library ID (TXXXXXXX) here :
You can view the status of your current ILL requests, as well as make renewal requests by logging in here :
A Colombo window opens, Enter you library number found on your student/employee card (TXXXXXXX).
Make sure you are in the correct account by checking the username at the top right :
The app has some difficulty with diacritics in names, so it 's normal to find funny signs there. However, you should be able to recognize the part of first or last name.
Click on Mes demandes at the top left to see all the active ILL requests in your file.
Under each request, it is possible to see the status of the ILL request.
Expédié : Sent by the lending library.
Reçu : Received and ready for pick up (electronic copies will be in your emails).
Demandé : Requested to potential lending libraries.
On the right, you will be able to see the actions you can take for each request.
Click on Afficher to see the details of your request, if you have requested postal delivery, you will be able to see if your address is under the Notes field.
Click on Renouveler to request a renewal from the institution lending the document. You can enter a suggested date or not, then click on Demander.
You will receive a confirmation email upon acceptance of the request, with your new return date. If this is refused, you will have to return the document as planned on your due date.
Click on Annuler, to cancel your ILL request.
For any questions on ILL requests, contact :
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