To ask any questions about Sofia:
To see what you have checked out, placed on hold and any fines that may have accrued, click on the 'Sign In'/'your account' button > 'My Account'.
Sign in using the login/authentication procedure here: ,
Under your name, click on My account to see the drop down menu.
In the Checkouts section, you will find the borrowed documents (does not include interlibrary loans/ILL) as well as their due date.
You can renew one or more loans with the Renew items button.
Make sur that the correct documents have been selected and confirm the renewal by clicking on Renew.
** The number of renewals is unlimited. In addition, your loans will renew automatically unless the document is reserved by another user, or if file has expired or expires soon, or if it is a new acquisition that has not yet been processed. Those are often marked as "Nouveautés" or "au catalogage".
Here you will find the list of printed documents that you have reserved or put a hold on.
To find out how to make a new reservation request, or a postal loan request, click here :
Next to each reservation request you'll find the Edit Request link.
It is also possible to cancel by selecting the documents, and by clicking on the Cancel requests button.
If you click on Edit Request, you'll be able to edit your pick up location and add notes.
Id it's a postal loan, don't forget to write you adress in the Item Description/Notes box, so we can send it. For more information on postal loans:
You will find your fines in the Fees section, with how much is owed.
It is possible to select the costs and pay them by clicking on the Pay Fees button.
Please read the terms of use on online payment service and click on the button I CONSENT. PAY NOW.
Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the payment, taking care to fill in all the required fields and click on the Pay Fees button.
The message "Payment submitted. Charges removed from your account when payment is complete" appears.
A confirmation email is sent to the email address provided on the payment form.
For any questions regarding online payments, contact
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